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Recommended Blues Recording

Various Artists – Chicago Style Blues Rarities Aplenty

Various Artists – Westside Blues Rumble – Titanic Records TR — CD — 29101

Right here is a generous 24-track helping of obscure 1960s-era Chicago style blues, replete with great sound quality and sequencing, all at a very consumer-friendly price.

More than a few of the excellent selections found here are making their CD (digital) introductions.  The diversity among these strong outings makes this an ideal assemblage to pop in the CD player and just sit back and wait for the next compelling track to sonically unfurl.

Highlights and rare finds amidst the superb blues singles to be found here include those by guitarist Lefty Bates & His Orchestra, Sammy Hunt & the Jaguars, and Bill Warren with(the) Jump Jackson Band.

This is one of those delicious compilations that is guaranteed to captivate both the most seasoned and novice of blues collectors.

A Volume 2 in this series also exists, with tracks likely more well-known to ardent blues collectors, but nonetheless is also chockfull of Chicago blues superlatives.

Highly recommended!