Recommended Blues Discography
The “Recommended Blues Discography” link below is to a discography that accompanied my broader Master of Liberal Studies Degree thesis entitled A Definition Of The Blues: The Notion Of Travel Within Blues Lyrics. My Master of Liberal Studies Degree was conferred on May 9, 2000 from the University Graduate School of Indiana University.
At the time, the discography was meant to be used as a tool to assemble an initial blues collection by someone who had an interest in the music. Considering that the discography was compiled over 22 years ago, I believe that it continues to serve its intended purpose.
Of course, there have been many amazing blues recordings released in the ensuing years; nonetheless, the quality and breadth of blues found in the discography still represent, I feel, the broadest possible introduction to the blues.
While some of the discography’s associated verbiage reads in the past tense, that is a reflection of the elapsed time since the discography’s authorship. And, since the initial compilation of the discography, unfortunately, the deaths and incapacitations of certain of the blues artists represented have occurred.